2009 Brand-New Colony (EN)

People today are living mechanical lives like maintained accessories of an invulnerable ‘system’ of cold and organized business machines and gadgets. The object of fear and unavoidable substance to people is modern society which monitors and threatens each and every person's life like a huge dinosaur who never allows us to face it.
My work is about melting down systemized people in well-organized society with the environment of mechanical objects around them and mixing up to make a fluid stream. Unreality of the time they live consistently run into logical system and got smashed, and then it is reproduced on the wall in a real space escaping from the canvas.
I use marveling pattern as a way of expressing desires and ideals of human being which constitute a big irony with modern society hiding behind so called daily life; many sorts of offices, large-sized markets, computers, and others ruled by social systems. Frequently passed daily lives conceal a “Brand-New Colony” occurred by a material desire almost close to waste. It is not a strange situation that people keep moving forward without any purposes in the canvas. This is not because the background is in modern style, but the view is not very different from the whole history of human; nevertheless, a craving for purposes keeps going. This is an expression of desire forward to escaping from the system, and a diffident cry for an ideal of human which is drowned and loosing strength.